I am so excited to share this post with you guys! 😄

Just to set a bit of context, these snacks were personally picked out and mailed to me by a friend (Thank you Thomas!), all the way from Indonesia to Malaysia, where I currently reside. It was my first time receiving such a humongous parcel, you can't imagine how thrilled I was when I opened it up.
There were 21 packs of snacks all-in-all, some came in double and some had just one. I won't be featuring all of the snacks in this write-up, but have picked out Top 8 to highlight instead.
Just to put a bit more information out there, in terms of popularity, the best sellers would be Chitato, followed by Kusuka, then Qtela. My personal favorites however, would be Kusuka, Japota and Potabee. So if you're torn between choices, these brands would be a safe bet. Whereas in terms of price, the bigger party packs costs around 12-15K (about RM5) and smaller packs at 5-6K (about RM2), which I thought were marginally cheaper than the Malaysian local snacks, like Twisties and Mister Potato. All of the snacks featured can be purchased at most major supermarkets in Indonesia, at Transmart, Hypermart, and online sites like Klickindomaret. For the time being I don't think they deliver overseas, so the only option is probably to get it while you're there.
Disclaimer : This post is written based on my personal taste and perference, and may differ from person to person. In chronological order from my personal favorites to my least. Let's start with...

Snack Scale : ❤❤❤❤❤
I love cassava chips. In fact, I think I enjoy cassava chips even more than potato chips, hence this brand would be my number one pick. As part of this review, I tried 2 different cassava chips brand from Indonesia, Kusuka and Qtela. I would, hands down, pick Kusuka for it's more defined chip texture. The chips had such an awesome crunch to it.
I love cassava chips. In fact, I think I enjoy cassava chips even more than potato chips, hence this brand would be my number one pick. As part of this review, I tried 2 different cassava chips brand from Indonesia, Kusuka and Qtela. I would, hands down, pick Kusuka for it's more defined chip texture. The chips had such an awesome crunch to it.

Snack Scale : ❤❤❤❤❤
I'm sure many of you have tasted the much popular Korean Calbee Honey Butter Chips - me included. Comparing Japota against Calbee, I actually like Japota's version a bit more. Both the chip texture and crunch were comparable, but I thought Japato's version came less sweet, which I prefer.
I'm sure many of you have tasted the much popular Korean Calbee Honey Butter Chips - me included. Comparing Japota against Calbee, I actually like Japota's version a bit more. Both the chip texture and crunch were comparable, but I thought Japato's version came less sweet, which I prefer.

Snack Scale : ❤❤❤❤♡
Like Chitato, Potabee also carries mostly crinkled cut chips. If I were to compared the texture of both brands, Potabees' marginally more crisp and a little less heavily seasoned. Of the Potabee lots, the grilled seaweed flavor would be my top pick.

Snack Scale : ❤❤❤❤♡
Just to put it out there, Barbecue and Sour Cream & Onion are my favorite chip flavors. Anything that has barbecue in it, is a winner for me. Apart from this Beef BBQ flavor, I also had a taste of the Grilled Chicken flavor, which I equally enjoyed.

Snack Scale : ❤❤❤♡♡
Chitato is probably the most popular potato chip brand in Indonesia, but one thing I realised is that almost all of the Chitato chips that I sampled were heavily seasoned, to the extend that it stops me from munching - and I'm the type who actually finishes the entire bag at one go. I'm not huge fan, but flavor wise, this one would be my top pick.

Snack Scale : ❤❤❤♡♡
For me, flavors like Salted Egg is a trend, likewise Honey Butter. As expected, Potabee's Salted Egg potato chips didn't have a whole lot of salted egg flavors compared to the gourmet versions, but instead was quite light and tasty.

Snack Scale : ❤♡♡♡♡
This flavor tasted very similar to the Spicy Chicken version. Again, too much MSG for me to handle.

Snack Scale : ♡♡♡♡♡
My least-liked potato chips of all the chips that I've tasted, would have to be this one, and the chip texture would have to be the major fallback for me. It felt as though it was done half-cooked, and hence very hard to munch on. Some chips were thin; some were thick, it had inconsistent texture all around. The seasoning and flavor too was a letdown. The chips were heavily laden with a spicy seasoning that has no flavor whatsoever to it. I would stay away.
Do you have chips that you'd like to recommend?
yea I agree that Chitato are too heavily seasoning, usually I eat only half pack and the rest later on. But since I found Potabee, I always go for Potabee well sometimes I still buy Chitato but only the small pack. The last one, Maicih only famous for it's spicy level, not for their good taste. And honestly I never try it myself, not interested at all to torturing my taste bud haha
ReplyDeleteTotally aligned with your potato chip statements haha =)
DeleteFat die you lor!